Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just a Few Gaps Left

I've been enjoying all the updates. Still some holes in the product line up but it's starting to become clear how good it's going to be.

Apple Wish List:
- Multi-Touch Dial wireless mouse replacement for desktops
- Black keyed backlit keyboard for the iMac
- AppleTV wand remote and hardware update
- iPhone Hardware update
- Mac Mini with more HD and No optical drive
- Even more media server function to the Timecapsule
- Better Battery Life
- LED Backlit LCD across the board
- Games on the AppleTV
- New Store for anyone to sell, movies, music, books, software, art

. . .

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's Hard to Switch

When you use windows for a long time, it is hard to switch to OS X. There are so many cool tricks you very slowly learn while getting into this OS. You really have to change your ways of thinking about windows management. For a long time in the days of OS 9 I really disliked the ways the Mac handled it's windows it was always a mess for me and part of what drove me to using a PC for many years. That and the fact that Macs where too expensive for me and until they switched to Intel, too slow. And they didn't get sexy until the last couple years.

It takes awhile to get used to using OS X. It is different than
windows in the sense that you use the track pad or other shortcuts to
get to the windows. You leave the windows on your desktop which for a windows user can seem like madness. I was so used to minimizing my windows to navigate. You can use spaces
to create multiple desktops. Use shortcuts to switch to windows or
other apps. It takes some time to get used to but after using it for
awhile it is hard to go back to windows. I have noticed these
features are not as easy for me on macs without the new track pad.
Say you have 10 windows open on your desktop, you can move each
application to it's own "space" or desktop up to 16 of them. You can
then use the track pad to switch apps. In the app you may have 5
windows open, you use the track pad to show them all smaller and
click the one you want. It is very fast and lets you see all open
windows at one time, or all open windows for that app. Go here and
watch the video about the multi-touch track pad

Once you get used to the shortcuts and having your windows move
around your screen like magic, windows will become the bag of hurt Mac
users have been crying about for years. I will say that Windows 7 has some
nice features that I really want to try. I can't wait to get Vista off my PC.
It is a screamer and Vista makes it feel like a snail.
I really just want to install OS X on it. But I haven't had the time.

. . .

It's Funny How Money Changes Situations

It irritates me when people go off on the Mac vs PC thing. There is no debate. The bottom line is OS X is better in many ways. Windows is good for some things. I think you can divide people into many groups and here are a few. People who are smart and have money buy Macs. People who are smart and don't have money, get someone else to buy them a Mac. People who are smart and can't find a way to get a real mac, build a PC and dual boot. People who use windows are stuck in a single mindset and lack the will power to learn a better system because they are too lazy to learn it and too lazy to afford it. People who have money and are idiots and buy Macs because they look cool. People who have money and buy PC's because they are loaded. People who like playing games on PC and don't mind the terrible interface and haven't bothered to learn OSX. People who are extremely nerdy and play text based games and write their own OS.

Of course there are many other ways to be a PC or a Mac. Personally, for daily use a Mac is best for me. I used to enjoy building my own machines but the pleasure I get from a Mac far outweighs that joy. I still boot up the old windows machine to play some games or just because my job requires it. But seriously with a multi-touch track pad this thing is off the chain. There is not a PC on earth that comes close to be this slick.

Are Macs perfect? Hell no. Are they the sexiest best computer I've ever used? Hell yes.
. . .