Saturday, July 26, 2008

What is Apple's Product Transition?

Like most people reading this, I have been scanning the web for news of Apple's "product transition" and I have found nothing new. So I have been trying to put it together in my head.
The old news: AppleInsider

First some points.

- Apple will not do DVR.
- Apple will not do a tablet.
- Apple wants to get rid of disc drives and moving parts.
- Apple wants to be in your living room, in your pocket, at your desk, and in your car.
- Apple wants to sell you products through itunes/online store.
- Apple wants you to have touch products.
- Apple wants you to have storage and backup.
- Apple wants you to have a great user experience.
- Apple has major deals with TV and movie studios.
- Apple has lots of people making apps for the iphone.
- Apple wants the computer to vanish.
- Apple wants all products to be the iphone.
- Apple wants you in the cloud.

Here are my predictions.

1st: Notebook updates. The new Macbook.
- They want a quad-core processor in there.
- They want a OLED screen.
- They want internet anytime anywhere.
- They want better touch interface.
- They want instant on.
- They want to get rid of the DVD drive.
- They want a solid state flash HD.
- They want better battery life.

2nd: Home Server with On-line backup and syncing. The new Time Capsule.
- They want to serve you all the media (music, movies, games, software) you buy with itunes.
- They want to sync your computer, your iphone, your online, and your apple TV.
- They want you to back up your data.
- They want you to seamlessly add more storage. New ZFS HD formating is coming in Snow Leapord.

3rd: Apple TV.
- They want you to use the iphone, or ipod touch as a remote control. This means all ipods will be ipod touches.
- They want to buy media from your couch.
- They want to browse the internet, watch movies, listen to music, play games, send emails, write papers, share photos and videos, look at your calendar from your couch.
- They same issues with browsing the net on your iphone are the same issues with browsing the net on your TV.
- The iphone is an ipod. The apple TV is an ipod.
- Everything you can do on the iphone you can do with apple TV.
- Add a real keyboard and you have the ultimate livingvroom setup.
- Apple TV is not a DVR. But will offer all the tv, movie, and video game content your heart desires.
- Apple wants to build this into a giant TV screen.

You read it here first.
. . .

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